This photo of December 1970 shows eight extraordinary men who gave a combined total of 250 years of their working lives to Warnford. The occasion was a celebration supper in December 1970 to celebrate this amazing circumstance. A cutting from the Southern Evening Echo of the time describes the event in more detail.

All eight are likely to have attended the first annual meeting of the Warnford Farm Estate Welfare Club which was established shortly after the end of the war. The following cutting describes its first meeting and includes a reference to the growth in the workforce from eight people in 1936 to seventy-two perhaps ten years later. It would appear that the meeting included a few games of darts!

At the Game Fair in 1962, one of the eight, John 'Jack' Holloway was presented with a medal recognising fifty-four years work as a gamekeeper. Jack was gamekeeper at Warnford when my father first rented the shoot in 1935.
